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Masterpoint Ranking System



Club Master 

2 points of either colour.

Local Master

10 points of either colour.


25 points of either colour.

Regional Master

50 points of either colour.

National Master

150 points of which at least 75 must be red points.

Life Master   

300 points of which at least 150 must be red points.

National Life Master

600 points of which at least 300 must be red points.

Premier Life Master

1200 points of which at least 600 must be red points.

Gold Life Master 1600 points of which at least 900 must be red points.


2000 points of which at least 1200 must be red points
PI (Performance Indicator) is the sum of RED points and a quarter BLUE points earned in the past five years

Blue Local Points:      Each Blue Point is one hundredth of a full Masterpoint,

and is awarded for Club events and for qualifying rounds and side events in Regional or National events.
Blue Points count toward master point rankings but are not convertible to Red Points

Red Full Points:
         Each Red Point is a full Masterpoint,

 and is awarded for above average final positions in National and certain nominated Regional events.
 Red Points are expressed as full points or as hundredths of a point
and must constitute the correct proportion of Red to Blue points in the ranking list as above.